Introducing New and Old Members


A note from Barb O’Connell – GMRP Interpreter.

Yesterday GMRP received a check for $1,000 from Harmonic Energetic Technologies, requested by new team member, RN Christine Simon of Tucson, AZ. Way to get out there and fund raise, Christine!

I asked Christine how she heard about the mission, as well as wondering what her background was. Below is Christine’s reply.

I’m thinking that if those on this year’s GMRP team would send me a short blurb, over the next few months we could get to know everyone a little better.

Stay tuned!

Christine Simon - RN

Christine Simon - RN

Naomi Lake told me about your mission and asked if I wanted to apply! I said yes! LOVE your mission and the continuity of care . An honor to be on your team!

I have been involved with 3 emergency medical missions for Syrian Refugees and worked in a huge refugee camp with people from Syria and Africa … in Chios where people were fleeing to find refuge by crossing the Aegean sea in small rubber rafts.

I currently volunteer locally in Tucson with refugees needing to connect with community medical resources. Also a volunteer low beginner English teacher in the Refugee Education Program. MANY from Central America.

I also served in the Army Nurse Corp many moons ago.
— Christine Simon - RN

A Guatemala Update – Flory


GMRP Then and Now