
Brian Jensen – Pharmacist

November 2019 – My story began with a story. A story told to me by a nurse who shared her experience with a Rotary sponsored project in Oliveros – GMRP. At the time, I was completing a Lutheran Lay School of Ministry course of study. My thought is that it would help me to determine my “call” as I transitioned from active pharmacy practice to retirement. Her “witnessing” as to the power of bringing people together with hearts of service planted the seeds for me that has led to my 10 years of involvement. The important work that followed has changed lives, both in Guatemala and in those that serve.

The words of Archbishop Oscar Romero, A Future Not Our Own, were shared with the group on my first trip. “We plant seeds that one day will grow. We water seeds already planted, knowing that they hold future promise. We lay foundations that will need further development. We are prophets of a future not our own.” I keep them close to me with each trip.

With the overwhelming needs of those we see in Guatemala, one can question our ability to make a difference. However, I have witnessed the evolution of this limited “project” into a true partnership over the years. I am so grateful to those that I work alongside – supporting each other and advancing the impact of our care. It is in this spirit of selfless service, that I find that the “liberation” that calls me back to Oliveros.


Priscilla Jackett (Click to Read Story)


Barb Johnson (Click to Read Story)